Adrian Head Start at Onsted in Onsted, MI

Name:Adrian Head Start at Onsted
Preschool Address:10109 Slee Road Bldg 40, Onsted, MI 49265
Preschool Phone:(517) 467-6180
Child ages:3 years - 5 years
Preschool Website:

Preschool Description

Our program exists to serve children and families by providing early childhood education family support services and community resources.
Head Start Preschool Programs provide FREE services to more than 450 children and families throughout Lenawee County. Our preschool classrooms create a supportive learning environment where children follow a daily routine participate in literacy and math activities and practice positive social interactions.

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Inspection URL
Special Needs
Please contact us for more information
Operating hours

Monday to Friday

Adrian Head Start at Onsted on Map

Adrian Head Start at Onsted

(517) 467-6180

10109 Slee Road Bldg 40, Onsted, MI 49265