Altavista YMCA Discovery Place - Tomahawk in Lynchburg, VA

Name:Altavista YMCA Discovery Place - Tomahawk
Type:Child Care Provider
Child Care Provider Address:Tomahawk Elementary, 155 Bee Drive, Lynchburg, VA 24502
Child Care Provider Phone:(434) 369-6842
Child ages:4 years - 13 years
Rate:$ (less than $510)
Child Care Provider Website:

Child Care Provider Description

Discovery Place is a distinct Child Care Program, geared specifically to the needs of school-age children. A typical afternoon would include supervised homework, tutoring vigorous activities, board games, arts and crafts, with the opportunity to develop skills in working on special projects such as model building, woodworking or needlepoint. Swimming and field trips are a special part of the program. Children are grouped by ages so that the activities and atmosphere will meet the changing needs of growing children. The staff takes seriously their job of helping children develop responsibility, learning to get along with others, and feeling good about themselves.
Transportation will be provided to and from school for children attending John L. Hurt, Jr. Elementary, Altavista Elementary, Altavista Middle School to the Altavista YMCA. Students from Rustburg and Brookville Middle Schools are eligible for the program and are bused to and from the elementary school.
Our fee structure is designed to make child care affordable and payments simple. There are no additional fees charged for holidays, teacher work days, snow days or any other time school is not in session. Special activities and field trips are also included in the basic fee structure. During these extra days each site will be open for your convenience.

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Special Needs
Operating hours

6:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Monday - Friday

Photos of Altavista YMCA Discovery Place - Tomahawk

Photo #1 of Altavista YMCA Discovery Place - Tomahawk

Altavista YMCA Discovery Place - Tomahawk on Map

Altavista YMCA Discovery Place - Tomahawk

(434) 369-6842

Tomahawk Elementary, 155 Bee Drive, Lynchburg, VA 24502