Ashley Academy in Johnson City, TN

Name:Ashley Academy
Type:Day Care
Day Care Address:1502 Knob Creek Road, Johnson City, TN 37604
Day Care Phone:(423) 929-7888
Child ages:3 years - 5 years
Day Care Website:

Day Care Description

Ashley Academy pre-schoolers have fun learning through self and teacher-directed PLAY. Our program is one that provides a positive school experience in a loving and caring atmosphere. Small classes guarantee appropriate challenge and maximum success for each child.
Children have the opportunity to work and play independently and to feel at ease about being away from home. The program and teachers will help your child develop self-confidence and self-esteem. Language skills, motor skills, and intellectual skills are strengthened through a variety of daily activities.
Social interaction with the schools culturally diverse student population helps children learn respect for others and their uniqueness. Hands-on activities help children satisfy their natural curiosity about the world around them.
LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT: Speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills are developed through small group and individual activities. Colors, letters, shapes, numbers, story time, dramatics, rhymes, songs, and learning centers are all areas of concentration for language development.
PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT: Fine motor skills are developed through cutting, coloring, pasting, playing with playdough, finger painting, and creative drawing. Activities like these develop pre-writing skills.
Large motor skills are developed through dramatic play, playground activities, music and movement, easel painting, and self expression.
SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT: Children learn to share and take turns during free play and circle time. Positive feelings about self, the school, and the environment are all encouraged. Children learn about controlling emotions, following directions, being independent and helping others.
ACTIVITIES: Ashley Academy teachers are chosen for their ability to understand the needs of a child, their enthusiasm and creativity, their academic record, and previous teaching experience.

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Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday - Friday 7:30 AM - 3:30 PM

Ashley Academy on Map

Ashley Academy

(423) 929-7888

1502 Knob Creek Road, Johnson City, TN 37604