Aunt Nancy's Childcare in New Lenox, IL

Name:Aunt Nancy's Childcare
Daycare Address:1801 E Lincoln Hwy, New Lenox, IL 60451
Daycare Phone:(815) 462-2923
Child ages:6 weeks - 12 years
Daycare Website:

Daycare Description

Our goal is to make sure that each child feels comfortable, safe, respected as individuals and loved. Your comfort will flow from your childs happiness.


Here is the only info we've collected for Aunt Nancy's Childcare for the time being. You may be able to find added data on their mission here:

Other things to contemplate when weighing a daycare is at wonderful child care centers, lessons are constructed to inspire toddlers to love learning. Most well-thought-of daycare located in New Lenox IL strives for a model for educational development. The best of these locations maintain curriculums conceived in consultation with experts in education and health sciences. Well thought out curriculums are best delivered by staff members who incorporate the needs of children and their parents.

Aunt Nancy's Childcare in New Lenox is a modern daycare running in a busy, competitive industry. For anyone in this industry, the most appropriate thing to do is to establish an admirable reputation through outreach to the community. Parents who use the finest child care centers can rest easy knowing they are placing their toddlers in a nurturing as well as educational environment. Assuredly, nearby child care centers will impress parents with commitment and love of toddlers. In this area, the child care licensing agency collaborate together with child care providers to protect consistently high care for local children. In most ways, child care centers are among the most significant members of their communities. These specialists deserve continual support to do their valuable work.

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Mon - Fri: 06:30 - 17:30

Photos of Aunt Nancy's Childcare

Photo #1 of Aunt Nancy's Childcare

Aunt Nancy's Childcare on Map

Aunt Nancy's Childcare

(815) 462-2923

1801 E Lincoln Hwy, New Lenox, IL 60451