Blanche Leaps Program in Taft, TN

Name:Blanche Leaps Program
Type:Daycare Center
Daycare Center Address:1649 Ardmore Highway, Taft, TN 38488
Daycare Center Phone:(931) 425-6141
Child ages:5 years - 14 years
Daycare Center Website:

Daycare Center Description

The overall goal of Lottery for Education: Afterschool Programs (LEAPs) is to provide Tennessee students with academic
enrichment opportunities that reinforce and complement the regular academic program.
These programs address students needs in core academic subjects like reading, math and science, but also offer students
a safe place to go, and opportunities to explore their hidden talents and develop healthy lifestyles.

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Please contact us for more information.
Operating hours

Monday - Friday: 7:55 AM - 3:00 PM

Blanche Leaps Program on Map

Blanche Leaps Program

(931) 425-6141

1649 Ardmore Highway, Taft, TN 38488