Born To The Golden Mountain - Montessori Center in Colorado Springs, CO

Name:Born To The Golden Mountain - Montessori Center
Preschool Address:306 W Brookside AVE, Colorado Springs, CO 80905
Preschool Phone:(719) 632-0875
Child ages:3 years - 6 years
Preschool Website:

Preschool Description

Born to the Golden Mountain Montessori Child Center was founded in 1975 by Director Rae Christiansen and her sister Doris Jesse Kucinski. Begun with a class of 12 children, the school later expanded to accommodate 20, and then again to accommodate its current 30 children. Over the years since, hundreds of children have benefited from the independent learning they practiced in Montessori pre-school and kindergarten.
Our location in a converted home provides an environment that is familiar and comforting to young children, and helps to put them at ease. In addition, new Montessori students find that most of the furnishings - the tables, chairs, even a kitchen sink! - are child size, evidence of the Montessori philosophy of respect for the child.
The three-year age grouping provides motivation for the younger children who are impressed by the work of the older children, and provides the kindergarteners with many teaching opportunities which help them to solidify their own learning. This teaching and nurturing of those who are a year or two younger also helps to cultivate their own capacity for compassion.
It is a wonderful experience for the youngest and newest members of the class - who start out looking up to the older classmates - to gradually acquire the skills they admired, and eventually become aware that they are now the mature and accomplished student, capable of helping those who are younger or less experienced.
The Montessori hands-on materials help teach basic living skills (sweeping, buttoning, ironing, etc.); phonics & reading; quantity & number operations; geography & culture; and care of self and surroundings. The materials also help to develop and refine the senses.
French language lessons are also an important part of our curriculum. To ensure that correct pronunciation is taught, our teacher is a native of France.
Finally, outdoor activities in our large play yard are part of our everyday schedule. We also take field trips and attend cultural events, and every spring our kindergarteners enjoy an overnight camping trip.

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Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday - Friday 7:30am to 5:30pm

Born To The Golden Mountain - Montessori Center on Map

Born To The Golden Mountain - Montessori Center

(719) 632-0875

306 W Brookside AVE, Colorado Springs, CO 80905