Central Elementary Preschool in Longmont, CO

Name:Central Elementary Preschool
Preschool Address:1020 4th AVE, Longmont, CO 80501
Preschool Phone:(303) 776-3236
Child ages:3 years - 5 years
Rate:$ (less than $510)
Preschool Website:http://centrales.stvrain.k12.co.us/preschool.html

Preschool Description

The objective of Central Elementary Preschool is to provide a fun, safe, secure, and developmentally appropriate learning experience for preschool age children. The staff is committed to meeting the needs of the whole child.
Each child will have adequate opportunity to mature in the following areas of development: Motor skills, social, emotional, and cognitive. Daily activities include: large group activities which encourage social and language development. Small group activities such as science and nature lessons, math and language games, and art and craft projects. Free activity time is planned to help children learn social skills and make positive choices. Music and movement activities are used for rhythm and gross motor development. Books, puppets, and drama are used during story time. Visits are also made to the Central School library. Daily snacks and outdoor recess are also included.
It is our goal that each child who attends our program will leave with a positive self image and with great excitement as they anticipate their future educational experiences.

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Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday - Friday 8:25 am to 3:00 pm

Central Elementary Preschool on Map

Central Elementary Preschool

(303) 776-3236

1020 4th AVE, Longmont, CO 80501