Century School in Lawrence, KS

Name:Century School
Type:Pre School
Pre School Address:816 Kentucky Street, Lawrence, KS 66044
Pre School Phone:(785) 832-0101
Child ages:3 years - 12 years
Pre School Website:http://www.centuryschool.org/

Pre School Description

Our goals are to teach students to become accomplished scholars, responsible citizens, and loyal friends. These three goals (scholarship, citizenship, and friendship) are represented by the three stars on our emblem-the symbol of an inclusive community whose members care for one another and celebrate each others accomplishments.
High achievement is the goal for every student, but the means to that end are as different as the students themselves. Because each child is different, instruction is personalized. Each students lessons are designed to ensure progress and to provide success-the two things that make learning fun.

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

7:30am to 5:30pm

Century School on Map

Century School

(785) 832-0101

816 Kentucky Street, Lawrence, KS 66044