Chenery Extended Day in Belmont, MA

Name:Chenery Extended Day
Type:Child Day Care
Child Day Care Address:95 Washington St, Belmont, MA 02478
Child Day Care Phone:(781) 484-8030
Child ages:5 years - 14 years
Rate:$ (less than $510)
Child Day Care Website:

Child Day Care Description

Chenery Extended (CHENEX) provides high quality after school
programming for students in the Chenery Middle School
population, grades five through eight.
CHENEX offers supervised activities designed to enhance middle
school students educational, social, and emotional development.
The philosophy of the program dictates that the needs of the
students come first, but that the special circumstances of working
parents, or parents otherwise using the program, are also
considered. It is the further goal of the program to treat each
student individually, so long as the accommodation of individual
needs can be accomplished without harm to the general health of
the program. CHENEX recognizes the various needs of students
of different ages and stages of development and uses those
variations as the basis for the programs curriculum.

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday-Friday 2:10 PM-6:00 PM

Chenery Extended Day on Map

Chenery Extended Day

(781) 484-8030

95 Washington St, Belmont, MA 02478