Child's World Day Care II in Midville, GA

Name:Child's World Day Care II
Type:Child Care
Child Care Address:493 Ann Street, Midville, GA 30441
Child Care Phone:(478) 589-7452
Child ages:3 weeks - 6 years
Child Care Website:n/a

Child Care Description

Services Provided: Accepts Subsidies, Drop-In Care, Night Care, Summer Care


Above is the only info we've received for Child's World Day Care II in Midville, GA at the moment. You might be able to acquire added descriptions on their overall teaching philosophy over here:

Something else to contemplate when considering a child care in Midville is a really good child care centers, class times are utilized to encourage children to learn while having fun. Virtually all well-thought-of child care located at 30441 seeks to provide a standard for prek development. The most distinguished of these locations maintain lesson plans devised with professionals in early childhood development. Effective curriculums are most effective when delivered by educators who listen to the abilities of the child.

Midville Child's World Day Care II is a modern child care working in one of the most important fields in society. For anyone in this line of work, the most appropriate thing to do is to gain a deep relationship with the community through dedication to the community. Parents who only use the finest child care centers can relax trusting they are entrusting their children in an educational and nurturing atomosphere. Undeniably, nearby child care centers will serve parents with love and commitment. In GA, the care and education bureau participate with child care centers to provide safe facilities and positive learning for Midville children. Most people believe that child care centers are among the most essential contributors of the community. These experts deserve ongoing assistance to continue to do this valuable service to the community.

View profile on Mom Trusted: Child's World Day Care II in Midville, GA

Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Months of Operation: Year Round
Days of Operation: M-F
Hours of Operation: 5:00 AM - 6:30 AM

Child's World Day Care II on Map

Child's World Day Care II

(478) 589-7452

493 Ann Street, Midville, GA 30441