Childtime of Rowlett in Rowlett, TX

Name:Childtime of Rowlett
Type:Child Care Provider
Child Care Provider Address:8100 Miller Rd, Rowlett, TX 75088
Child Care Provider Phone:(866) 961-5108
Child ages:6 weeks - 12 years
Child Care Provider Website:

Child Care Provider Description

If you're exploring preschool options for your child, you've probably heard the word Montessori. But what exactly does the Montessori curriculum entail, and how can it benefit your child. Read on to learn more about the Montessori Unlimited school.

Montessori education describes an approach pioneered by Dr. Maria Montessori, an Italian physician who discovered through observation that children learn best at their own pace, when provided with a range of activities and allowed to gravitate toward those that capture their interest. To that end, the Montessori curriculum is built on a combination of sensory experiences and child directed play.

At Montessori Unlimited, writing, reading, language, math, music, art, and other areas are included in the learning at each level in an age appropriate way. At the toddler level, children are encouraged to display independence while still guided by qualified educators in their exploration of their selves, their senses, their emotions, and their environments.

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Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday - Friday: 06:00 AM - 06:30 PM

Photos of Childtime of Rowlett

Photo #1 of Childtime of Rowlett
Photo #2 of Childtime of Rowlett
Photo #3 of Childtime of Rowlett
Photo #4 of Childtime of Rowlett
Photo #5 of Childtime of Rowlett
Photo #6 of Childtime of Rowlett

Childtime of Rowlett on Map

Childtime of Rowlett

(866) 961-5108

8100 Miller Rd, Rowlett, TX 75088