Cornerstone Preschool in Russell, KS

Name:Cornerstone Preschool
Prek Address:105 S Front St, Russell, KS 67665
Prek Phone:(785) 483-1173
Child ages:3 years - 5 years
Rate:$ (less than $510)
Prek Website:

Prek Description

The ambition of Cornerstone Preschool is to facilitate the development of successful, competent, and unique learning foundations for its children through developmentally appropriate experiences in a rich, stimulating environment. This is achieved through self-directed play and hands-on exploration in an environment prepared based on the needs, interests, abilities, and cultures of the families involved. Children gain respect, responsibility, and curiosity through experiences within the environment. Childrens social, cognitive, physical, and emotional skills are enhanced through daily peer & educator interactions and strong partnerships with families as well as the Russell community.

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Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday - Thursday 8.15 AM - 11.15 PM

Photos of Cornerstone Preschool

Photo #1 of Cornerstone Preschool

Cornerstone Preschool on Map

Cornerstone Preschool

(785) 483-1173

105 S Front St, Russell, KS 67665