Crievewood Baptist Weekday Ministries in Nashville, TN

Name:Crievewood Baptist Weekday Ministries
Type:Pre School
Pre School Address:480 Hogan Road, Nashville, TN 37220
Pre School Phone:(615) 331-4465
Child ages:1 year - 10 years
Pre School Website:

Pre School Description

Crievewood is a licensed and 3 STAR rated center. We are licensed through the Department of Human Services; the 3-STAR rating is awarded to centers that go above and beyond the daily standard set forth by the state. We voluntarily participate in a yearly assessment and are awarded these stars (up to 3) in 7 levels of quality.
Here at Crievewood Weekday, we focus on teacher facilated activities and self-initiated to ensure that each child has the opportunity to explore and engage in activities to enhance their development.

View profile on Mom Trusted: Crievewood Baptist Weekday Ministries in Nashville, TN

Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Please contact us for more information.
Operating hours

6:30 AM - 6:00 PM

Crievewood Baptist Weekday Ministries on Map

Crievewood Baptist Weekday Ministries

(615) 331-4465

480 Hogan Road, Nashville, TN 37220