Davis-Townsend Preschool in Lexington, NC

Name:Davis-Townsend Preschool
Type:Pre K
Pre K Address:975 Heath Church Road, Lexington, NC 27292
Pre K Phone:(336) 249-9980
Child ages:3 years - 5 years
Pre K Website:n/a

Pre K Description

Darn, it appears that we don’t have a description for Davis-Townsend Preschool, a child day care in Lexington. We’re trying to locate more information for this day care in Lexington. For your reference, we’ve compiled a few things below that parents often look for in a child day care.

At the best day care centers, staff members are committed to the children and their families. Flexibility and communication are hallmarks of every exceptional child day care. The best daycares are devoted to managing their work accomplishments. Lots of day care centers in Lexington working presently tout diligent employees who is smart as well as nurturing. Promoting established practice of quality, stable childcare centers concentrate on constantly cultivating their developmental offerings.

Usually, mom and dads prioritize locating the best, and most admirable Lexington child day care. Younsters are treasures and they should only be given the best care. Day care centers decline generally based on the training of their staff members. That's why superb child care services in NC practice rigorous controls when bringing on new employees. When all things are ideal, every teacher is evaluated comprehensively.

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Davis-Townsend Preschool on Map

Davis-Townsend Preschool

(336) 249-9980

975 Heath Church Road, Lexington, NC 27292