Ledgemere Country Day School, daycare center listing in 02119

Name:Ledgemere Country Day School
Type:Daycare Center
Daycare Center Address:243 Mitchell Rd, Boston, MA 02119
Daycare Center Phone:(207) 799-1962
Child ages:3 weeks - 12 years
Daycare Center Website:http://www.ledgemereschool.com/

Daycare Center Philosophy

Ledgemere Country Day School in Boston does not seem to have much about their philosophy here however typically the best child care services are commited to being involved with each and every family in their day care center. If you are in need of a Boston daycare center be sure their intention is to provide a warm and nurturing space so all primary caregivers can work feeling that the child care is taking great care of their baby.

Most kid's early cognitive development will be influenced through the combination of so many people, including parents, child care centers, and early educators. Many think that it's likely that teaching staff and staff members harbor a immense opening to foster this important growth. It's good to be sure that all teachers are well-trained in their career and truely relish engaging the learning activities of young children. The best day care center will support your youths be prepared to to enter school by teaching them kindergarten readiness from when they are babies to the end of their prek year.

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Ledgemere Country Day School on Map

Ledgemere Country Day School

(207) 799-1962

243 Mitchell Rd, Boston, MA 02119