Town Of Enfield Child Development Center - High Street, prek information in 06082

Name:Town Of Enfield Child Development Center - High Street
Prek Address:110 High Street, Enfield, CT 06082
Prek Phone:(860) 253-5214
Child ages:6 weeks - 12 years
Prek Website:

Prek Philosophy

The Enfield Child Development Center provides a comfortable, positive, and family-supportive environment where children feel safe and secure. The programs goal is to nurture and foster the children's physical, emotional, social, cognitive and nutritional needs, as well as their educational needs. Each child's diverse background and life experiences are recognized and appreciated. Families can feel valued for their input and their dreams for their children. Staff are valued for their vision, their delight in children, their skill, heart, knowledge, a commitment to families, and an ability to play. Children are given maximum opportunities to express themselves in a creative manner. Parents, as well as caregivers, benefit by aiding each other with information and resources to facilitate the healthy development of the child placed in our care. We cherish what we learn from each other.

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday-Friday: 6:30am - 5:30pm

Town Of Enfield Child Development Center - High Street on Map

Town Of Enfield Child Development Center - High Street

(860) 253-5214

110 High Street, Enfield, CT 06082