Sholom Day Care, child care center listing in 11415

Name:Sholom Day Care
Type:Child Care Center
Child Care Center Address:82-04 Lefferts Boulevard, Kew Gardens, NY 11415
Child Care Center Phone:(718) 441-9893
Child ages:2 years - 6 years
Child Care Center Website:

Child Care Center Philosophy

E.Sholom Day Care organization offering childcare to children aged 15 months to 6 years. The objectives of our programs are to provide a safe happy healthy and stimulating environment where through free play and structured activities here children can develop their social language and physical skills.

Teachers encourage appropriate behavior through discussions on behavior and positive reinforcement. Corporal punishment is not permitted under any circumstance. Children are encouraged to respect the rights of others and learn appropriate behavior by example. A time-out approach is used when necessary. The methods used for time-out are posted in each program for your information.

An interview will be arranged to familiarize you and your child with the policies and the physical layout of the Center and to meet the staff. at time we will be available to answer any questions you may have and you e provided with a copy of policies.

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Special Needs
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Sholom Day Care on Map

Sholom Day Care

(718) 441-9893

82-04 Lefferts Boulevard, Kew Gardens, NY 11415