Park Ridge Child Care Center, childcare profile in 14626

Name:Park Ridge Child Care Center
Childcare Address:1555 Long Pond Rd, Rochester, NY 14626
Childcare Phone:(585) 723-7543
Child ages:2 months - 12 years
Childcare Website:

Childcare Philosophy

The Park Ridge Child Care Center provides quality child care in a safe and nurturing environment where each childs physical social emotional and cognitive needs are met. We believe that each child is unique and has his/her own pattern of growth personality learning style and family background. Our program enhances self-esteem and self-concept by providing a learning environment which is developmentally appropriate and individualized. A combination of hands-on free choice activities and play promote independence discovery and learning. Our commitment is not only to the children in our programs but also to their families. Through knowledge of child development communication and use of outside resources we assist families in their crucial job of parenting

Philosophy of learning

In a caring and positive atmosphere we create a warm and happy place for young children to learn and develop a positive self-image while building social skills.

New skills are introduced through activities which are either child initiated or teacher directed. These activities are planned to emphasize the process rather than the product fostering a sense of pride and accomplishment. By encouraging independent discovery we are developing life long learners.

Based on the theory that children learn through play classroom routines encourage active involvement meaningful experimentation and reinforcement through repetition. Schedules are designed to balance structure and free choice as well as active and quiet times.

Recognizing that children grow in predictable stages we treat each child as an individual working from the level each child has attained and moving forward a step at a time. We teach a love of learning by allowing children to experience their own stage of development and helping them feel success without pressure.

We value the active involvement of families in our programs. Families may gain valuable insights and techniques from the expertise of the staff; and at the same time share their own talents and interest. By working and sharing together staff and families can create a quality environment for the children.

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday - Friday 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Park Ridge Child Care Center on Map

Park Ridge Child Care Center

(585) 723-7543

1555 Long Pond Rd, Rochester, NY 14626