Brightside Academy, pre-k listing in 19140

Name:Brightside Academy
Type:Pre K
Pre K Address:543 W Courtland St, Philadelphia, PA 19140
Pre K Phone:(215) 329-0614
Child ages:6 weeks - 12 years
Rate:$ (less than $510)
Pre K Website:

Pre K Philosophy

Our Brightside Academy “Steps to Success” curriculum is developed in the science of child brain development. It is an integrated program of three nationally recognized learning curricula that prepares children to be ready for their academic lives by providing the cognitive, social and emotional baselines needed for learning.

Key components of “Steps to Success” include:
State-of-the-art child development and learning program, Monthly learning modules, Weekly lesson plans, Parent “Home Connections” program to complement home support, Child progress reports

Our program is based on the understanding that infants need dependable caregivers that will provide praise, attention, concern and care on a consistent basis. Infants are provided with opportunities to explore in a safe environment with caregivers that respond to the child's emotional and intellectual needs.

Our toddler program offers a wide variety of interesting play experiences geared toward each child's developmental level. Opportunities are provided for multi-sensory experiences aimed at delighting and inspiring curiosity. Independence is strongly encouraged at this stage in our program.

Brightside Academy follows the Core Knowledge Preschool framework for children three- to five-years-old. With a strong focus on challenging but appropriate content, the Core Knowledge Preschool Sequence is unique among early childhood programs; it outlines a comprehensive and coherent progression of knowledge and skills in all developmental areas.

Our preschool program children take part in developmentally appropriate individual and group activities, which includes motor skill development, dramatic and creative free play, math and language development, computer technology, art, music, literature and science. A concentrated focus is placed on communication skills and problem solving techniques.

School Age
Our school-age program is designed for children ages six- to 12-years-old. The children take part in individual and group activities including drama, motor skills, literature, math, computers and crafts. Homework assistance is provided. School-agers are encouraged to communicate and cooperate as individuals and as a group

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Photos of Brightside Academy

Photo #1 of Brightside Academy
Photo #2 of Brightside Academy
Photo #3 of Brightside Academy
Photo #4 of Brightside Academy
Photo #5 of Brightside Academy

Brightside Academy on Map

Brightside Academy

(215) 329-0614

543 W Courtland St, Philadelphia, PA 19140