Day Star Nursery, childcare listing in 20744

Name:Day Star Nursery
Childcare Address:915 Palmer Road, Fort Washington, MD 20744
Childcare Phone:(301) 248-1160
Child ages:2 years - 5 years
Childcare Website:n/a

Childcare Philosophy

Day Star Nursery does not seem to have much about their school philosophy here but generally speaking the most influencial daycares wholeheartedly love helping each and every family that enrolls boys and girls in that day care. If you are searching for a day care in Fort Washington be sure that their true motive is to ensure a safe and caring zone so dads and moms can work and feel that the childcare loves that baby with all their heart.

Your little one's early cognitive progression may be formed by the doing of several groups of people, including relatives, daycare centers, as well as early education specialists. It's hard to know but many believe that teaching staff and teaching aides have a sizable chance to promote this development. Have certainty that every teacher and staff member are highly trained in their respective careers and really adore facilitating the learning activities of little boys and girls. A fantastic day care will support your youngster qualify to go to k-12 by teaching them self control and compassion from the time they are babies through the last day of pre-school.

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday - Friday: 6:30 AM - 6 PM

Day Star Nursery on Map

Day Star Nursery

(301) 248-1160

915 Palmer Road, Fort Washington, MD 20744