Columbia Academy, child care provider description in 20759

Name:Columbia Academy
Type:Child Care Provider
Child Care Provider Address:7425 Maple Lawn Boulevard, Fulton, MD 20759
Child Care Provider Phone:(301) 604-1940
Child ages:6 weeks - 5 years
Child Care Provider Website:

Child Care Provider Philosophy

Our goal is to teach children how to learn. The Columbia Academy's philosophy is to provide students

with educational tools and experiences that will stimulate their desire to learn while fostering respect for

human values, which will help them become productive citizens in the classroom as well as the real world.

Through academics and play, we encourage students to recognize the importance of making appropriate

social choices and having and demonstrating respect for individuals. Good communication skills are the

foundation for solid relationships with peers, teachers, and family.

Educational success begins with the building blocks of language arts, mathematics, science and social

studies. Columbia Academy enhances these basics with opportunities for creativity, critical thinking,

and problem solving.

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday - Friday 6:30 AM - 6:30 PM

Photos of Columbia Academy

Photo #1 of Columbia Academy

Columbia Academy on Map

Columbia Academy

(301) 604-1940

7425 Maple Lawn Boulevard, Fulton, MD 20759