Public School Employees Child Development Program for Infants at Cedar Lane, childcare listing in 20759

Name:Public School Employees Child Development Program for Infants at Cedar Lane
Childcare Address:11630 Scaggsville RD, Fulton, MD 20759
Childcare Phone:(410) 888-9043
Child ages:6 weeks - 2 years
Childcare Website:

Childcare Philosophy

The Public School Employees' Child Development Program
believes that a childs early years play a unique and important role in
his/her total development. Our philosophy is that learning occurs
when children are actively involved -- both physically and cognitively
-- in experiences that are developmentally appropriate.
Developmentally appropriate practices respect the needs, interests,
and abilities of the children in all domains of development -- social,
emotional, cognitive, and physical while considering each childs
age, culture, and prior experiences.

Our objectives are:

to help children feel safe and comfortable by creating a warm
and nurturing environment;

to facilitate development of autonomy and a sense of initiative
by providing children with choices within a daily routine;

to facilitate problem-solving in young children by offering and
supporting open-ended activities that allow them to creatively
formulate their own ideas about their world;

to enhance positive self-feelings by providing activities with
varying levels of complexity to allow both mastery and challenge;

to encourage development of attention span and task
completion through a flexible schedule;

and to encourage interaction among children of diverse racial,
ethnic, economic and ability levels by recognizing each child's
uniqueness and importance in the classroom community.

During the day, children have opportunities for large group, small
group, and individual activities. There is a balance between teacher-
initiated and child-initiated activities and between active and quiet
times. Activities are also planned around the outcome of daily
observations of individual childrens needs, interests, and abilities.
Therefore, the curriculum is responsive to each individual childs
developmental level. Children are encouraged to take advantage of
opportunities for decision-making, planning, problem-solving, and
responsible actions.

View profile on Mom Trusted: Public School Employees Child Development Program for Infants at Cedar Lane, childcare listing in 20759

Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday to Friday 6:30 AM - 6:00 PM

Public School Employees Child Development Program for Infants at Cedar Lane on Map

Public School Employees Child Development Program for Infants at Cedar Lane

(410) 888-9043

11630 Scaggsville RD, Fulton, MD 20759