Salisbury School Preschool, preschool information in 21804

Name:Salisbury School Preschool
Preschool Address:6279 Hobbs Rd, Salisbury, MD 21804
Preschool Phone:(410) 742-4464
Child ages:3 years - 12 years
Preschool Website:

Preschool Philosophy

The Salisbury School strives to promote a love of learning in an atmosphere in
which individual students are encouraged to compete only with themselves as
they strive to achieve a level of excellence that reflects their best personal effort
and full potential a genuine and meaningful accomplishment that does not
come at the expense of others.
As preparation both for college and for life, The Salisbury School seeks to give
each of its students the true understanding that comes after serious thought and a
broad and deep exploration of core curricular material including arts and athletics.
The Salisbury School values a nurturing environment that teaches ethical values
and creates a community in which treating others with respect and kindness is
The Salisbury School genuinely seeks to be a diverse community of learners and
a community that seeks to graduate students who have developed a strong sense
of inner discipline, the ability to face conflicts with confidence and conviction,
and the desire to lead creative and purposeful lives.

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Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday to Friday 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM

Salisbury School Preschool on Map

Salisbury School Preschool

(410) 742-4464

6279 Hobbs Rd, Salisbury, MD 21804