Farmville Head Start Center, pre-k information in 27828

Name:Farmville Head Start Center
Type:Pre K
Pre K Address:4280 Anderson Ave, Farmville, NC 27828
Pre K Phone:(252) 753-8036
Child ages:3 years - 5 years
Pre K Website:n/a

Pre K Philosophy

Head Start believes that each child is an unique individual. A child can benefit most from a comprehensive program, which involves both the family and community. As the family is the principle influence on a child's development, they must be a direct participant in the program. Thus the program serves the child not only through educational, health, nutrition, and mental health services, but also provides support and needed services for the total family. As the basic needs of the family are met, they are enabled to better nurture the development of its children.

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Please contact us for more information.
Operating hours

Monday - Friday 8:00am - 2:00pm

Farmville Head Start Center on Map

Farmville Head Start Center

(252) 753-8036

4280 Anderson Ave, Farmville, NC 27828