Sherwood Park Prime Time, day care center listing in 28304

Name:Sherwood Park Prime Time
Type:Day Care Center
Day Care Center Address:2115 Hope Mills Road, Fayetteville, NC 28304
Day Care Center Phone:(910) 424-4797
Child ages:5 years - 12 years
Rate:$ (less than $510)
Day Care Center Website:n/a

Day Care Center Philosophy

Our goals are as follows:
To help children develop their fullest potential by focusing on:
*Physical and recreational skills.
*Self-awareness, confidence, and feelings of self-worth.
*Promoting creativity and self-expression.
*Promoting independence and decision making.
*Interpersonal relationships.
*To provide a safe and healthy environment where children can have fun.

To support and strengthen the family unit and school relationships by focusing on:
*Improving communications.
*Involvement through parents, clubs, and family programs.

View profile on Mom Trusted: Sherwood Park Prime Time, day care center listing in 28304

Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Please contact us for more information.
Operating hours

Monday - Friday 6:30 A.M. to school begins & School dismissal to 6:00 P.M.

Sherwood Park Prime Time on Map

Sherwood Park Prime Time

(910) 424-4797

2115 Hope Mills Road, Fayetteville, NC 28304