Oxford Elementary Preschool, child care center listing in 28610

Name:Oxford Elementary Preschool
Type:Child Care Center
Child Care Center Address:5915 Oxford School Road, Claremont, NC 28610
Child Care Center Phone:(828) 459-7220
Child ages:3 years - 5 years
Child Care Center Website:n/a

Child Care Center Philosophy

Oxford Elementary Preschool in Claremont doesn't have a school philosophy on MomTrusted but generally great child care services commit to supporting all families that enroll their in that particular day care center. When searching for a child care be sure that their objective is to properly provide a safe atomosphere so that primary caregivers can rest easy and trust that the daycare center is caring greatly for their baby.

Your kid's cognitive development will likely be changed through the efforts of several people, comprised of family members, daycare centers, and teaching staff. Many know that education administrators and staff create a gigantic moment to spark this important development. It's good to be sure that every staff member have extensive training in the career of choice and thouroughly love directing the education of young little ones. The best day care center will encourage your child be ready to to go to k by helping them with everything they need to know from the moment they begin through the last day of preschool.

View profile on Mom Trusted: Oxford Elementary Preschool, child care center listing in 28610

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Oxford Elementary Preschool on Map

Oxford Elementary Preschool

(828) 459-7220

5915 Oxford School Road, Claremont, NC 28610