Nanny's Learning Center, child care information in 28650

Name:Nanny's Learning Center
Type:Child Care
Child Care Address:513 N Carolina Avenue, Maiden, NC 28650
Child Care Phone:(828) 970-7311
Child ages:3 weeks - 12 years
Child Care Website:n/a

Child Care Philosophy

Nanny's Learning Center in 28650 does not have much about their school philosophy here but orginarily exceptional child care centers are devoted to catering to all families that enroll their in that specific child development center. When looking for a child development center make sure that their goal is to provide a safe facility so that parents can rest easy and know that the child day care is caring greatly for their baby.

Your child's early development will be altered through the efforts of lots of groups, comprised of family, day care centers, and teachers. We know that educators and staff members create a gigantic moment to encourage this growth. Be sure that all members of the staff are well-trained in the career of choice and thouroughly love directing the education of small younsters. A great child development center will help your youngster be ready to to go to elementary by helping them with how to take care of their basic needs from the moment they begin to the last day of preschool.

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Nanny's Learning Center on Map

Nanny's Learning Center

(828) 970-7311

513 N Carolina Avenue, Maiden, NC 28650