Rosemont Elementary Preschool, pre-school listing in 30240

Name:Rosemont Elementary Preschool
Type:Pre School
Pre School Address:4679 Hamilton Rd., Lagrange, GA 30240
Pre School Phone:(706) 812-7954
Child ages:4 years - 11 years
Pre School Website:n/a

Pre School Philosophy

Rosemont's primary focus is our children.

Opportunities are provided for all to be successful.

Student achievement goals should be high, but within reach.

Educators, parents, community members, and students share in the responsibility for student achievement.

Motivation is achieved through diverse, stimulating, educationally sound, and enjoyable instruction.

Optimal learning occurs in a safe and comfortable environment.

Nurturing relationships generate self worth.

Teachers and staff are totally committed to the belief that all children can learn.

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Special Needs
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Rosemont Elementary Preschool on Map

Rosemont Elementary Preschool

(706) 812-7954

4679 Hamilton Rd., Lagrange, GA 30240