Over the Rainbow Learning Center, child care provider profile in 30817

Name:Over the Rainbow Learning Center
Type:Child Care Provider
Child Care Provider Address:136 Watson Street, Lincolnton, GA 30817
Child Care Provider Phone:(706) 359-1752
Child ages:1 year - 6 years
Child Care Provider Website:n/a

Child Care Provider Philosophy

Over the Rainbow Learning Center doesn't appear to have a teaching philosophy on MomTrusted however typically the most influencial daycare centers wholeheartedly love serving the needs of each and every family at the specific day care. If you are looking for a Lincolnton day care center make sure that their main purpose is to properly provide a warm and nurturing space so that dad and moms can work and trust that the day care center is taking great care of their girls and boys.

Most toddler's early social progression will likely be influenced by the care of several groups of people, including family members, child care centers, and daycare staff. Many feel that daycare staff and staff harbor a gigantic chance to promote this important growth. It's best to be sure that each and every teacher have extensive training in their career and thouroughly love facilitating the learning activities of young babies. A wonderful day care will help your child be prepared to to get in to k-12 by teaching them everything they need to know from when they are babies to the final days of pre-k.

View profile on Mom Trusted: Over the Rainbow Learning Center, child care provider profile in 30817

Accept vouchers
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Special Needs
Operating hours

Months of Operation: Year Round
Days of Operation: M-F
Hours of Operation: 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM

Over the Rainbow Learning Center on Map

Over the Rainbow Learning Center

(706) 359-1752

136 Watson Street, Lincolnton, GA 30817