Liberty County Pre-K, pre-school listing in 31313

Name:Liberty County Pre-K
Type:Pre School
Pre School Address:206 Bradwell St., Hinesville, GA 31313
Pre School Phone:(912) 876-0773
Child ages:n/a
Pre School Website:

Pre School Philosophy

1. We believe that every student should be provided the opportunity to receive an education that meets individual needs while exercising the right and responsibility to learn in a safe environment.

2. We believe that all employees should model the systems organizational beliefs and hold high expectations for student success.

3. We believe that education includes the development of citizenship, personal responsibility, and respect for self and others.

4. We believe that all individuals should be treated with respect and a sense of fairness.

5. We believe that all staff should participate in results-driven professional learning which is aligned with the systems and schools goals for improvement.

6. We believe that technology will improve student achievement and increase the school systems productivity and efficiency.

7. In order to serve a mobile population, we believe that schools must be sensitive to the needs of the community and to the changing needs of the learners as they develop educational priorities for student achievement.

8. Because education is a joint effort and responsibility among the school, the home, and the community, we support and encourage parent and community participation in the school system.

9. We believe that local control and individual school flexibility are essential in implementing strategies to meet goals for school improvement, increase student achievement, and follow state and federal requirements.

View profile on Mom Trusted: Liberty County Pre-K, pre-school listing in 31313

Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday-Thursday 7:15 am -3:15 pm
Friday 7:15 am -2:45 pm

Photos of Liberty County Pre-K

Photo #1 of Liberty County Pre-K

Liberty County Pre-K on Map

Liberty County Pre-K

(912) 876-0773

206 Bradwell St., Hinesville, GA 31313