Ebenezer Nursery & Preschool, child care information in 32064

Name:Ebenezer Nursery & Preschool
Type:Child Care
Child Care Address:411 Parshley Street, Live Oak, FL 32064
Child Care Phone:(386) 364-4422
Child ages:n/a
Child Care Website:n/a

Child Care Philosophy

Ebenezer Nursery & Preschool in 32064 doesn't have a philosophy listed however typically speaking the most influencial child care centers are commited to serving the needs of each family in the child care center. When looking for a day care center be sure that their main purpose is to create a warm and nurturing setting so that parents have peace of mind and trust that the child development center is taking great care of their child.

Your child's early emotional progression will greatly be susceptable through the efforts of so many groups, mostly family members, day cares, as well as early education specialists. We know that early educators and teachers aides create a gigantic chance to foster this important growth. Be sure that each and every educator are trained in the career of choice and thouroughly love facilitating the learning activities of young youths. A great child care center will encourage your baby be ready to to enter k-12 by teaching them everything they need to know from the time they are babies through the end of their prekindergarten year.

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Ebenezer Nursery & Preschool on Map

Ebenezer Nursery & Preschool

(386) 364-4422

411 Parshley Street, Live Oak, FL 32064