Space Coast Early Intervention Center, pre-school description in 32904

Name:Space Coast Early Intervention Center
Type:Pre School
Pre School Address:3790 Dairy Rd, Melbourne, FL 32904
Pre School Phone:(321) 729-6858
Child ages:1 year - 9 years
Pre School Website:

Pre School Philosophy

SCEIC uses HighScope Preschool Curriculum Handwriting Without Tears and Conscious Discipline in our preschool programs.

HighScope is an active participatory learning approach to teaching. HighScope is designed around key development indicators in the following eight content areas:

Language Literacy and Communication: talking to others about experiences; writing in a variety of ways; reading stories and symbols; dictating and making up stories and poems; anticipating remembering and describing a sequences of events.
Social and Emotional Development: taking care of ones own needs; expressing feelings with words; building relationships; participating in collaborative play; working through conflict
Physical Development and Health: motor skills and movement; moving objects; describing movement; moving to a beat; moving in sequence
Mathematics: comparing (shorter/longer bigger/smaller); arranging patterns; fitting objects through trial and error; comparing numbers in a set (fewer/more); counting; filling and emptying; interpreting spatial relationships; changing shape of objects; describing positions directions and distances from a variety of viewpoints; learning about time by starting and stopping an action on signal; describing rates of movement and comparing time intervals;.
Science and Technology: Recognizing objects by sight sound touch taste and smell; describing similarities differences and attributes of objects; distinguishing shapes; sorting and matching; describing characteristics something does not possess or what class it does not belong to; exploring and manipulating mediums to create new products; learning about cause and effect
Social Studies: Participating in group routines: being sensitive to the feelings interests and needs of others
Creative Arts: Making models out of clay blocks and other materials; relating models to real objects; drawing and painting; pretend play and role playing; imitation; moving to music; singing songs; playing musical instruments.

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Operating hours

Monday_Friday 7:30 AM - 6:00 PM

Photos of Space Coast Early Intervention Center

Photo #1 of Space Coast Early Intervention Center

Space Coast Early Intervention Center on Map

Space Coast Early Intervention Center

(321) 729-6858

3790 Dairy Rd, Melbourne, FL 32904