Fisher Island Day School, day care profile in 33109

Name:Fisher Island Day School
Type:Day Care
Day Care Address:2 Fisher Island Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33109
Day Care Phone:(305) 531-2350
Child ages:2 years - 10 years
Day Care Website:

Day Care Philosophy

The first years of a childs education form the foundation for happy and successful academic and personal growth. During Kindergarten and the early grades the minds of children develop very rapidly at a pace greater than at any other time in their lives. In addition to learning essential academic skills developing aesthetic and physical capacities and acquiring facility in languages children at these ages begin to understand how their values and beliefs shape behavior and influence relationships with classmates and adults. It is during these years also that children come to understand that learning is a life-long process.

We believe that children learn best in a secure and comfortable environment one in which they are encouraged to actively investigate their world recognize their strengths and learn from their mistakes. This process of learning is as important as the skills mastered or the facilities gained.
We believe that children should be directly engaged with learning materials that are developmentally appropriate presented in a variety of learning modes and designed to stimulate healthy academic and social development.
We believe in community and emphasize that all members of our community are responsible for the tone and atmosphere of the school. All members of our community are expected to show courtesy respect and genuine appreciation for the feelings ideas and work of others; and all are expected to be honest and straightforward at all times.
We believe that both children and adults learn from each other in a diverse community; all of us benefit from the similarities and differences that exist in our school.
We believe that a close and positive working relationship between the school and the home is necessary for the success of each child. Open and frequent communication builds understanding and enriches relationships.

View profile on Mom Trusted: Fisher Island Day School, day care profile in 33109

Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday_Friday 8:30am-1pm

Photos of Fisher Island Day School

Photo #1 of Fisher Island Day School

Fisher Island Day School on Map

Fisher Island Day School

(305) 531-2350

2 Fisher Island Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33109