Kiddie Care Learning Center, daycare center listing in 36330

Name:Kiddie Care Learning Center
Type:Daycare Center
Daycare Center Address:7 North Pointe Blvd, Enterprise, AL 36330
Daycare Center Phone:(334) 347-2716
Child ages:3 weeks - 12 years
Daycare Center Website:n/a

Daycare Center Philosophy

Kiddie Care Learning Center in Enterprise doesn't seem to have a teaching philosophy listed but generally fantastic child care services are dedicated to catering to all families in their day care. When looking for a new Enterprise child care provider make sure that their true motive is to provide a safe and caring atomosphere so all primary caregivers can have peace of mind and know that the child care loves that baby with all their heart.

Most kid's early cognitive progression will be formed by the work of literally hundreds of people, counting family, day care centers, as well as early educators. It's hard to know but many believe that teachers and staff members have a sizable opening to cultivate this growth. It's good to be sure that every teacher and staff member are well-trained in their respective careers and really adore engaging the learning environment of small children. The best day care will support your boys and girls qualify to go to elementary by giving them how to take care of their basic needs from first years to the end of their pre-school year.

View profile on Mom Trusted: Kiddie Care Learning Center, daycare center listing in 36330

Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

06:00 AM - 07:00 PM

Kiddie Care Learning Center on Map

Kiddie Care Learning Center

(334) 347-2716

7 North Pointe Blvd, Enterprise, AL 36330