West Cheatham Elementary Pre-kindergarten, preschool info in 37035

Name:West Cheatham Elementary Pre-kindergarten
Preschool Address:3120 Hwy 12 N, Chapmansboro, TN 37035
Preschool Phone:(615) 792-5167
Child ages:4 years - 5 years
Preschool Website:n/a

Preschool Philosophy

Our quality pre-k classrooms enhance the childs curiosity and desire to learn through small and large group activities. Children experience the delight and excitement of books through story time and independent listening centers with books on tape. They discover wonders of the world through science investigation activities. They can be creative through art and writing centers. They learn order and structure through puzzles and blocks. They can become different people such as a doctor, nurse, chef, fireman, mom, or dad through dramatic play areas. They learn to count and associate numbers with objects. They learn to recognize the alphabet and letter sounds. They develop large and small motor skills through activities specifically designed for this development. Pre-kindergarten prepares your child to be successful in kindergarten where the foundation for future learning is laid.

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Operating hours

7:45 AM - 1:30 PM

West Cheatham Elementary Pre-kindergarten on Map

West Cheatham Elementary Pre-kindergarten

(615) 792-5167

3120 Hwy 12 N, Chapmansboro, TN 37035