Whitehaven Elementary School Pre-kindergarten, pre-school description in 38116

Name:Whitehaven Elementary School Pre-kindergarten
Type:Pre School
Pre School Address:4783 Elvis Presley, Memphis, TN 38116
Pre School Phone:(901) 416-7431
Child ages:4 years - 5 years
Pre School Website:http://www.mcsk12.net/schools/whitehaven.es/index.htm

Pre School Philosophy

In this school, We believe that learning is a lifelong adventure. We believe in facing each day with minds open to knowledge and hearts open to love. We believe in freedom to wonder, to ask, to explore, to imagine, and to create. We believe that success means doing our best, being our best, and feeling proud of our effort. We believe that every one of us has a special talent and that the talents of each of us help all of us. We believe in ourselves, in each other, in this school, Whitehaven Elementary!

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Please contact us for more information.
Operating hours

8:30 AM - 3:15 PM

Whitehaven Elementary School Pre-kindergarten on Map

Whitehaven Elementary School Pre-kindergarten

(901) 416-7431

4783 Elvis Presley, Memphis, TN 38116