Raleigh - Bartlett Meadows School - SACC, daycare center listing in 38134

Name:Raleigh - Bartlett Meadows School - SACC
Type:Daycare Center
Daycare Center Address:5195 Twin Woods, Memphis, TN 38134
Daycare Center Phone:(901) 416-4336
Child ages:4 years - 15 years
Daycare Center Website:http://www.mcsk12.net/schools/raleighbartlettm.es/site/index.shtml

Daycare Center Philosophy

The learning community at Raleigh-Bartlett Meadows Elementary believes...

* Students should be encouraged to establish goals for themselves and work diligently toward attaining them.
* Students should be afforded the oppportunity to learn in a safe and secure environment.
* Teachers and students should model good character as they treat each other with dignity and respect.
* Students should be given the opportunity to learn and develop their strengths and talents to the highest potential as they become actively engaged in their education in order to produce quality work and become critical thinkers.
* Teachers should implement a variety of research based teaching strategies and data driven assessment techniques to provide experiences that are conducive to academic achievement.
* The community, parents, teachers, and students should share in the responsibility of developing all students into productive citizens.

View profile on Mom Trusted: Raleigh - Bartlett Meadows School - SACC, daycare center listing in 38134

Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Please contact us for more information.
Operating hours

3:15 PM - 6:00 PM

Photos of Raleigh - Bartlett Meadows School - SACC

Photo #1 of Raleigh - Bartlett Meadows School - SACC

Raleigh - Bartlett Meadows School - SACC on Map

Raleigh - Bartlett Meadows School - SACC

(901) 416-4336

5195 Twin Woods, Memphis, TN 38134