Peek - A - Boo Playschool, child care information in 38668

Name:Peek - A - Boo Playschool
Type:Child Care
Child Care Address:403 Norfleet Drive, Senatobia, MS 38668
Child Care Phone:(662) 562-5067
Child ages:3 weeks - 6 years
Child Care Website:n/a

Child Care Philosophy

Peek - A - Boo Playschool in 38668 doesn't have much about their teaching philosophy here however usually fantastic child care centers are dedicated to assisting each and every family that enrolls children in that specific child care. When looking for a child care center be sure that their objective is to produce a warm and nurturing surroundings so all parents can relax knowing that the day care center is caring greatly for their children.

Your child's cognitive development may profoundly be susceptable through the participation of several groups of people, not limited to relation, day cares, as well as teachers. We know that education administrators and teaching aides have a big chance to ignite this important development. Be sure that every staff member are highly trained in their respective fields and enjoy facilitating the schooling of small babies. A great child care will encourage your baby prepare to enter k-12 by teaching them how to care for themselves and others from the time they are babies to the last day of prek.

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Peek - A - Boo Playschool on Map

Peek - A - Boo Playschool

(662) 562-5067

403 Norfleet Drive, Senatobia, MS 38668