Smoky Row Children's Center, day care center profile in 43065

Name:Smoky Row Children's Center
Type:Day Care Center
Day Care Center Address:8615 Smoky Row Road, Powell, OH 43065
Day Care Center Phone:(614) 766-2122
Child ages:6 weeks - 10 years
Day Care Center Website:

Day Care Center Philosophy

A belief that the home is the most important factor in a child's development. We will always strive to support and complement the family in order to promote the healthy development of children and parents.
To provide each child a secure home-like atmosphere not as a substitute for but as an enrichment of family life.
We believe as teachers of young children that we should try to discover and work with each child's own uniqueness. Accepting all children where they are; accepting their limitations as well as recognizing their potential.
Play is the work of young children and they learn best through direct experience.
Social awareness and understanding are developed through modeling guided conflict resolutions and forming friendships that are active and caring.
To encourage independence and self-direction by helping children learn to make their own choices and decisions.
To provide children a chance to have fun to be happy to be safe.

View profile on Mom Trusted: Smoky Row Children's Center, day care center profile in 43065

Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

7:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. Monday through Friday 52 weeks per year

Photos of Smoky Row Children's Center

Photo #1 of Smoky Row Children's Center

Smoky Row Children's Center on Map

Smoky Row Children's Center

(614) 766-2122

8615 Smoky Row Road, Powell, OH 43065