Hobby Horse Preschool, pre-k profile in 44256

Name:Hobby Horse Preschool
Type:Pre K
Pre K Address:217 E. Liberty, Medina, OH 44256
Pre K Phone:(330) 722-1445
Child ages:3 years - 5 years
Rate:$ (less than $510)
Pre K Website:http://www.hobbyhorsepreschool.org

Pre K Philosophy

Hobby Horse Preschool in Medina, OH doesn't appear to have much about their school philosophy here however generally speaking the most influencial day care centers pledge to assisting each family in that child day care. If you are looking for a Medina child day care make sure that their true motive is to ensure a warm and nurturing zone so that mom and dads can relax knowing that the child care center cares deeply for their .

Most toddler's early cognitive progression may be susceptable through the efforts of so many groups, not limited to relation, daycares, as well as early education specialists. It's hard to know for sure but many think that daycare staff and teaching aides create a gigantic chance to nurture this important development. It's good to make sure that every teacher and staff member are highly trained in the career of choice and thouroughly love facilitating the schooling of little kids. Day care centers will help your youngster be ready to to get in to k-12 by teaching them how to care for themselves and others from the time they are babies to the last day of prek.

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Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

Photos of Hobby Horse Preschool

Photo #1 of Hobby Horse Preschool

Hobby Horse Preschool on Map

Hobby Horse Preschool

(330) 722-1445

217 E. Liberty, Medina, OH 44256