Educare Child Center, pre-k profile in 49406

Name:Educare Child Center
Type:Pre K
Pre K Address:100 St. Peter's Drive, Douglas, MI 49406
Pre K Phone:(269) 857-5753
Child ages:n/a
Pre K Website:n/a

Pre K Philosophy

Educare Child Center in Douglas, MI doesn't appear to have much about their teaching philosophy here however in general fantastic day care centers are bound by catering to each family in the specific child care. If you are looking for a Douglas child care make sure their objective is to produce a safe and nurturing environment so all mom and dads can breathe and know that the day care center is taking great care of their child.

Most toddler's development may profoundly be shaped through the combination of many groups of people, made up of family, day cares, as well as education administrators. Many know that early education specialists and staff members harbor a immense chance to champion this growth. It's good to make sure that all educators and staff are well-trained in their career and truely relish engaging the early education of small babies. Child care centers will support your baby be prepared to to enter k-12 by helping them with how to take care of their basic needs from the time they are babies through preschool graduation.

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday to Friday

Educare Child Center on Map

Educare Child Center

(269) 857-5753

100 St. Peter's Drive, Douglas, MI 49406