St Odilia Child Care St Odilia Catholic School, preschool info in 55126

Name:St Odilia Child Care St Odilia Catholic School
Preschool Address:3495 Victoria St, Saint Paul, MN 55126
Preschool Phone:(651) 484-3364
Child ages:3 years - 12 years
Preschool Website:

Preschool Philosophy

We believe Catholic education is based on the premise that every child is a child of God. Each child has received the life and love of the Creator and is called into a relationship with Jesus Christ. We strive to foster an environment in which each child will advance in spiritual maturity while achieving knowledge and skills in the academic disciplines, the humanities, the arts, and Catholic Christian living in his/her search for truth.

We recognize that parents are the primary educators of their children. The work of Saint Odilia School is to assist and share with parents the responsibility for the development of each child in light of Christian principles. Those entrusted with the ministry of education must give witness to the integration of faith, culture, and living by the knowledge they impart and the relationships they foster.

Saint Odilia School strives to help each child receive the message revealed by God and proclaimed by the church. Each child is encouraged to become an active member of the Faith community by participating in the Sacramental life of the church. Our school environment and learning program offer each child the opportunity to develop his/her gifts and talents to be of service in the world community. We are committed to instilling Catholic Christian values in each child in order to assist him/her in developing a sense of moral responsibility.

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday to Friday 9 A.M. To 4 P.M.

St Odilia Child Care St Odilia Catholic School on Map

St Odilia Child Care St Odilia Catholic School

(651) 484-3364

3495 Victoria St, Saint Paul, MN 55126