Maccray Head Start, pre-school description in 56260

Name:Maccray Head Start
Type:Pre School
Pre School Address:180 Maccray Blvd Room 114, Maynard, MN 56260
Pre School Phone:(320) 367-5414
Child ages:3 years - 5 years
Pre School Website:

Pre School Philosophy

The potential for learning is greatest during early years of a child's life, therefore, every possible learning opportunity should be provided to children at the earliest possible age. The basic responsibility for early education is in the home.

The early education learning environment, whether in the home or in a school, should provide a rich variety of activities that will foster physical mental, emotional, and social development.

Activities should include both individual and group learning experiences using a variety of concrete experiences. Each child's growth level should be the basis for the extension of his/her learning.

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Inspection URL
Special Needs
Chidren with special needs are mainstreamed into the Head Start classroom. Special needs may include; vision, hearing, social, emotional, mental, and physical delays. Specialist are available to give additional services to these children and their families.
Operating hours

Maccray Head Start on Map

Maccray Head Start

(320) 367-5414

180 Maccray Blvd Room 114, Maynard, MN 56260