McKinley Ersula Howard Child, pre-school information in 60649

Name:McKinley Ersula Howard Child
Type:Pre School
Pre School Address:7222 S Exchange Ave, Chicago, IL 60649
Pre School Phone:(773) 235-2525
Child ages:3 years - 17 years
Pre School Website:

Pre School Philosophy

McKinley Ersula Howard Child in 60649 does not have a school philosophy on MomTrusted however in general the best daycares love helping every family in the specific child day care. If you are searching for a child day care in Chicago make sure that their main purpose is to maintain a warm and nurturing environment so all dads and moms can have peace of mind and feel that the child care is taking great care of their younsters.

Most children's early social progression may greatly be susceptable by the influences of lots of people, counting relatives, child care centers, as well as education administrators. It's hard to know but lots of people feel that educators and aides create a big opening to incite this development. Have certainty that each and every teacher have adequate training in their field of study and enjoy engaging the learning environment of little children. A fantastic child day care will help your toddlers plan to enter school by giving them self control and compassion from first years through prek graduation.

View profile on Mom Trusted: McKinley Ersula Howard Child, pre-school information in 60649

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Special Needs
Please contact us for more information
Operating hours

07:00 - 18:00

McKinley Ersula Howard Child on Map

McKinley Ersula Howard Child

(773) 235-2525

7222 S Exchange Ave, Chicago, IL 60649