Immanuel Lutheran Wee Care, daycare center listing in 62271

Name:Immanuel Lutheran Wee Care
Type:Daycare Center
Daycare Center Address:606 S Hanover St, Okawville, IL 62271
Daycare Center Phone:(618) 243-6161
Child ages:1 year - 3 years
Daycare Center Website:n/a

Daycare Center Philosophy

Immanuel Lutheran Wee Care in Okawville doesn't have a school philosophy listed however in general fantastic child care services are bound by giving a helping hand to each family that enrolls little ones in that specific child care. If you are searching for a child care center in Okawville be sure that their goal is to maintain a safe and nurturing environment so all primary caregivers can breathe and know that the child day care loves their children.

Most kid's early emotial development may greatly be affected through the care of many groups of people, made up of family, day care centers, and teachers. Many feel that early educators and aides harbor a enormous opportunity to champion this development. It's good to be sure that all staff members have adequate training in their field of study and really enjoy engaging the early education of little younsters. The best child care will encourage your little ones plan to go to kindergarten by giving them school routines from the moment they begin to the last day of prek.

View profile on Mom Trusted: Immanuel Lutheran Wee Care, daycare center listing in 62271

Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

06:30 - 18:00

Immanuel Lutheran Wee Care on Map

Immanuel Lutheran Wee Care

(618) 243-6161

606 S Hanover St, Okawville, IL 62271