Salem Christian Church Day Care, day care listing in 65560

Name:Salem Christian Church Day Care
Type:Day Care
Day Care Address:1102 E Third, Salem, MO 65560
Day Care Phone:(573) 729-0004
Child ages:2 years - 5 years
Day Care Website:n/a

Day Care Philosophy

Salem Christian Church Day Care in Salem doesn't seem to have a school philosophy listed but generally speaking exceptional daycares love aiding every family that enrolls girls and boys in that particular child care provider. When searching for a Salem child care center make sure that their true motive is to properly provide a safe and caring zone so that dads and moms can breathe and feel sure that the child care center loves their child with all their heart.

Your munchkin's early cognitive progression will likely be impacted through the efforts of several groups of people, made up of extended family, child care services, and teaching staff. Many believe that teachers and staff have a gigantic possibility to support this growth. Have certainty that every teacher and staff member have extensive training in their respective fields and thouroughly love facilitating the early education of small kids. A fantastic child care provider will support your child prepare to go to elementary by giving them school disciplines from when they are babies through the last day of prek.

View profile on Mom Trusted: Salem Christian Church Day Care, day care listing in 65560

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Salem Christian Church Day Care on Map

Salem Christian Church Day Care

(573) 729-0004

1102 E Third, Salem, MO 65560