Saint Patrick Early Education Center, daycare information in 66112

Name:Saint Patrick Early Education Center
Daycare Address:1080 North 94th Street, Kansas City, KS 66112
Daycare Phone:(913) 299-3051
Child ages:3 years - 4 years
Daycare Website:

Daycare Philosophy

Saint Patrick Early Education Center in 66112 doesn't have a teaching philosophy listed but orginarily the most influencial child care centers are zealous about supporting all families that enroll their in the particular day care. When you are in need of a Kansas City day care center be sure that their goal is to provide a safe facility so all parents feel comfortable and trust that the child development center is taking great care of their girls and boys.

Most children's early emotial development will be changed by the efforts of many groups, most importantly family members, childcare centers, and daycare staff. It's hard to know but lots of people feel that early educators and staff members create a immense chance to excite this important development. Be sure that all staff members are well-trained in the career of choice and truely relish facilitating the education of young youths. A great day care will encourage your toddlers be ready to to enter k-12 by helping them with everything they need to know from the moment they begin to the final days of pre-k.

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

8:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Saint Patrick Early Education Center on Map

Saint Patrick Early Education Center

(913) 299-3051

1080 North 94th Street, Kansas City, KS 66112