Lenexa United Methodist Church Preschool, preschool info in 66215

Name:Lenexa United Methodist Church Preschool
Preschool Address:9138 Caenen Lake Rd, Lenexa, KS 66215
Preschool Phone:(913) 888-6300
Child ages:3 years - 5 years
Rate:$ (less than $510)
Preschool Website:http://www.lenexaumc.org/preschool.html

Preschool Philosophy

Lenexa United Methodist Church Preschool in KS does not appear to have a teaching philosophy on MomTrusted however most often really great day cares commit to catering to every family at the specific daycare. When looking for a child development center in Lenexa be sure their objective is to ensure a safe and nurturing center so moms and dads feel good and know that the child development center loves that baby with all their heart.

Your toddler's social and emotional development may be shaped by the combination of lots of groups of people, maybe the most importantly family, day cares, as well as daycare staff. Many think that it's likely that child care staff and teaching aides harbor a massive opportunity to stimulate this growth. It's best to make sure that all educators are highly trained in their respective fields and truely adore guiding the learning activities of small youths. A truely great daycare will encourage your youngster prepare to get in to kindergarten by giving them how to take care of their basic needs from first years to the final days of pre-school.

View profile on Mom Trusted: Lenexa United Methodist Church Preschool, preschool info in 66215

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Inspection URL
Special Needs
Please contact us for more information.
Operating hours

Monday Thursday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm

Lenexa United Methodist Church Preschool on Map

Lenexa United Methodist Church Preschool

(913) 888-6300

9138 Caenen Lake Rd, Lenexa, KS 66215