Mena Child Development, daycare information in 71953

Name:Mena Child Development
Daycare Address:606 Pine Box 1, Mena, AR 71953
Daycare Phone:(479) 394-1110
Child ages:3 weeks - 5 years
Daycare Website:n/a

Daycare Philosophy

Mena Child Development in 71953 doesn't have much about their school philosophy here however normally the most influencial child care centers love assisting each family at the particular daycare. When you are trying to find a Mena child care center be sure that their objective is to produce a warm and nurturing place so all parents can rest easy knowing that the day care center is taking great care of their child.

Most children's cognitive development may profoundly be susceptable through the care of many groups, comprised of relation, day care centers, as well as teaching staff. It's hard to know but lots of people feel that education administrators and aides create a enormous chance to spark this important development. Be sure that every staff member have adequate training in the career of choice and really enjoy facilitating the education of small babies. A great daycare will encourage your baby be ready to to go to k-12 by helping them with how to care for themselves and others from the time they are babies through the last day of prek.

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Accept vouchers
Inspection URL
Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday-Friday: 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Mena Child Development on Map

Mena Child Development

(479) 394-1110

606 Pine Box 1, Mena, AR 71953