Baptist Memorial Preschool, child care center description in 72117

Name:Baptist Memorial Preschool
Type:Child Care Center
Child Care Center Address:3335 Springhill, North Little Rock, AR 72117
Child Care Center Phone:(501) 202-3875
Child ages:1.5 years - 13 years
Child Care Center Website:n/a

Child Care Center Philosophy

North Little Rock Baptist Memorial Preschool does not have much about their school philosophy here however typically speaking the greatest childcare centers are commited to catering to all families at their child development center. When you are trying to find a day care in North Little Rock make sure that their goal is to create a warm and nurturing setting so guardians can have peace of mind and know that the childcare is careing greatly for their child.

Most baby's early development will greatly be influenced through the influences of so many groups of people, counting family, daycares, as well as educators. Many know that educators and teachers aides create a tremendous possibility to incite this growth. make sure that all members of the staff are trained in their career and really adore guiding the learning environment of small boys and girls. A good child development center will help your baby be prepared to to go to elementary school by giving them how to take care of their basic needs from first years through the end of their prekindergarten year.

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Accept vouchers
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Special Needs
Operating hours

Monday-Friday: 5:45 AM - 8:00 PM

Baptist Memorial Preschool on Map

Baptist Memorial Preschool

(501) 202-3875

3335 Springhill, North Little Rock, AR 72117